Ohana Martial Arts Kona

Spring Break 4 day Camp and Day Passes are open enrollment:


Spring Martial Arts Classes are live on the tuition page!

Please see our current camps, ninja class schedule and sign ups on our Tuition Page: https://www.ohanamartialarts.org/tuition/

WHEA students have access to our OCR Racing Program through out the school year: https://www.ohanamartialarts.org/whea

Submit your Email address to be added to our list to hear Regular updates and Get information About events, classes and camps!

call 808-494-2346 or Email us OhanaSelfDefense@gmail.com



We are building a better community through sports, martial arts and self-defense training!

We are a non-profit Dojo located in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, providing fun, quality and affordable sports and martial arts training. Our focus is on our students; helping them to build skills while also growing their character to make a positive difference in our community. Join us for school break and summer camps, keiki and adult classes, self-defense training sessions, and our other fun community and fundraising events.

Our camps are top notch! Each week is filled with tons of fun active games and an assortment of different activities. We typically have a multitude of themes or sports to chose from to meet your campers interests.

We have a comprehensive self defense and MMA program for children 3-17+ years of age. They will learn basics in stand up Karate, Grappling and Tactical Self-Defense - this will ready them for any martial arts program and give them confidence to peacefully avoid or react in an attacker situation! There are 9 belt levels culminating in a Jr. Black Belt and 5 more belts to earn a black belt.

Our Tactile Self-Defense classes are focused on techniques proven to quickly get you free from an attacker in numerous situations. Our classes teaches many effective techniques, including those that are FBI approved through the Just Yell Fire initiative. 

Little Ninja Leaders earning their Yellow Stripes!

Little Ninja Leaders earning their Yellow Stripes!

Our Students Gain:

1. Tremendous Confidence

Martial arts is challenging. But as students push them self and are cheered on by instructors and fellow students, they get a HUGE boost in confidence! Students also get in amazing shape and feel good about the strength they are gaining. 

Students will be able to smile big and feel proud as they achieve things they once thought impossible. Even if that means completing one single push up, perfecting a difficult new technique, and progressing through the curriculum.

2. Laser-like Focus

Martial Arts is a ton of fun! You’ll learn all kinds of new skills and techniques like striking drills, defensive moves, and awesome ninja moves. But... when you learn something new, you have to concentrate on listening to the instructor, then perform what they taught you.

The cool thing is that this intense focus naturally pours into all other areas of your life as you develop spot on focus. It’s one of the most amazing side effects of martial arts — many call it getting in the zone, unlocking your hidden potential, or peak performance.

Whatever you want to call it, one thing is for sure — you’ll learn how to focus your mind to perform things you once thought were impossible.

3. Fun Fitness

Our classes are a blast and based on functional fitness. We use positive motivation and high fives - not military style yelling. 

Our classes are full of fun and exciting exercises designed to enhance your self-defense skills. Dynamic strikes, high intensity intervals of cardio training, and physical movements that mimic how the human body should move are the focus. 

Don’t worry if you feel like you won’t be able to keep up. We work with all levels from beginner to experiences martial artists – and everyone in between. And you know what...they all sweat the same at the end of the workout! 

4. Connections and Friendships

Get ready because your family and friends are about to grow big time! We're an 'ohana here and both the students and instructors are all about support and friendship. Sometimes you’ll struggle through tough training, and smile at all your wins and accomplishments. Your martial arts 'ohana will be right there with you cheering you on too.

Friendshipencouragement, and high fives are part of every class here. As you train together, you and your classmates will form an amazing bond that will make you smile like never before.

5. You'll do awesome stuff!

No two workouts are ever the same. We use functional fitness focused on getting your body in shape. After all, if you can’t move your body in the real world or have enough endurance to get out of a bad situation then we’re not doing our job right.

You’ll learn how to move your body in fun new ways that will train your core, tone your arms and legs, and ensure that you stay as injury free as possible. Of course we do this with positive motivation. No military style yelling or body shaming, ever.

Kids and adults both work hard, but play harder.. Laughing, smiles, and high fives are part of every class.


About Us

Find out about our organization, mission, our vision, and core values.

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DOnate or Sign up for Classes

Ready to take the next step? Register for a class or donate to help out with our mission of training our residence in self defense.

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