Aloha Ninja Families!
Thank you for signing up for Ninjas this quarter! We look forward to an awesome season of training!
The class you have signed up for:
Class Dates
Class Day and Time
Here are a few reminders and please let us know if you have any questions! We will have class rain or shine, so please prepare for any weather! (we will of course cancel for extreme or dangerous weather).
Every student needs to have a waiver completed in 2024 prior to participating! If you haven't completed yet this year, please complete by Sunday Evening If your student has updated medical information we should know, update as needed.
Students are expected to wear comfortable athletic clothing and their belts to class. We will give out white belts to new students at the first class. We will be doing belt level skills, testing and advancing students as appropriate - for this age belting up does take a while. We'll sort the t-shirts and gi options during the first class - I'll be sending a separate email out about uniforms if you ordered one or if you are a new student and didn't yet pay an enrollment fee please do so before class.
Thank you for reading through! Look forward to seeing everyone soon! Let me
know if you have any questions!